Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Blake's Blessing

My chunky baby

Looking at Colleen

The men in the blessing; Justin, Dan, Tyler, Terry, Brad and Blake (thanks to those not pictured Steven, Jared and Jon)

The whole family

Our little family
Sunday November 2 was a special day as Dan got to give Blake his blessing. It was wonderful to have my family as well as my aunt Jean and cousin Lisa her husband Steven and her children, and Terry's brother Brad and his family who came to share the day. Thank you to Colleen for making Blake the most beautiful blanket for the special occaision. It is made with the most beautiful baby blue silk yarn and has a white ribbon threaded through the blanket. It was such a special day and I am so thankful to a wonderful husband who gave our son a beautiful blessing.

Happy Halloween

Blake the Turtle

Ty loving the camera

Mom and the Pirate and the Turtle

Ty the Pirate
Halloween was so fun this year. Ty was a Pirate and had a blast bothe Trick-or-Treating and passing out the candy. It was so funny Ty would give the girls who came the good candy and the boys would not get so much. He knows how to win the lady's hearts. Blake was the cutest Turtle ever thanks to my sister Colleen finding the outfit. It even had a removable shell. Thanks!!

Pumpkin Patch with Daddy

Ty driving the train
Taking mom for a ride

The boys

Mom and the boys
We went to the pumpkin patch, but were a little disappointed as the rides were not going because it was a weekday. However Ty had a blast picking out a pumpkin for each one of us.